How To Know When Your Woman Really Needs Your Attention

Some ladies hardly tell you when they want to smash or when they are really in the mood.

They usually drop hints and expect you to get it just like that which you totally should grab on time.

The Need of sexual gratification as a guy is a bit difficult on its own but if you are open and upfront about your desire to just get some, ladies will tag you as thirsty and disrespectful one.

In the other hand by which you slow down to carefully bide your time, they say you are too slow and dull for there liking alongside killing their orgy.

When babes want to sleep with you including your own girlfriend, they're hardly ever open or straightforward about it. They've mastered the skill of dropping hints and not much else.

So if you don’t want to be called a dull guy, you have to know how to take hints and here are the best ways to do so:

(1). Always Be Sensitive : 

It’s really a no -brainer in which you can be able to know when to go in having fun  or not intended, you have to be sensitive to be aware and receptive of your girl’s move.

Most classic girls out there have been known to use is, “I will like to come over” .Others prefer to come over and feed you good meals as well while some prefer to just rub on you a lot more than normal and others do stuff that are more random and subtle than that.

Moreover, the major key here is to be sensitive enough with time, and you will be used to your girl’s most preferred "I want to have sex movies" or something close to that.

(2). Calculated Risk : 

Its tho a little bit sensitive to be given on how easy it is to mistake her actions for hints when she’s actually dropping none.

One of my friend Sandra said that if a girl wants you to touch her and do stuff with her, you will know somehow, except you’re not paying attention or extremely dumb.

Some guys out there might be saying no way to know until they try. Although, even at that, you still have to be extremely careful before you jump right into it. If she’s cool with holding her hand to see the reaction , then you can fondle the palm gently and gauge her reaction.

The main purpose of that is to be as slow as possible so as not to make mistake or cross any lines. Although, you can just as well ask her if you’re not sure of what you are thinking. That saves a little or less trouble. Afterwards, some ladies claim that asking them that kind of question kills the fun for them.

(C). Know When To Stop : 

The major way to take an act on knowing when to stop or continue. Guys, rape is real and terrible. When she tells you stop, it does not matter whether she’s your babe or not, you have to stop immediately without compromising.

You don't take the risk of thinking or saying "she does not mean what she said." You Just have to assume that she meant it and acts accordingly. In this case , let her be the one to tell you to continue least you stop.

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