10 Unique Ways To Make A Rich And Classy Chic Fall In Love With You Asap

So many men out there wants a classy chic to fall in love with then but they don't know how to to make the right move. Most of the rich girls in town nowadays are really in search of true love. 

If you are a guy who can give them the love and attention they so look for and here are some unique tips that can help you get them to love up fully as well as achieving your goal as a man.

See let me tell you, these rich executive chics out there really do not have time for long talk at all. If you know the right thing to do or say and how to position yourself to them, you will have them eating from your palms asap.

{1}. Be Independent Of Yourself:

Never ask for financial help or in any other form from them and don't even ask for contacts or connection as well from them. Even when you know they have it all and try to be a self made man. The mistake most of the guys normally make is that they quickly start asking for help when they find out that the rich chic is in to them and loves spending there money. Guys, even when she gives you money, pretend not to want it at first, make her beg you to take it. Never ask for any favour. 

{2}. Be Confident Of Yourself:

Exude an aura of confidence and ever be intimidated about their assets like cars, friends, house and all that. Please do not be a proud person because those kind of chics cannot stand proud dudes, that is why most of them don't date guys from their class.

{3}. Always Be Smart In Your Dressing:

These rich chics really do not care about your money or what you have, but they appreciate a guy who has a good dress sense as well as a good shoe to go out with it. Now I don't mean you should break the bank that is, these chics are not about the fashion brand.

{4}. Always Be Real As Anything:

If you cannot afford the hotels they frequently go to, please don't hesitate to tell them so. You can just put it this way“ Bae as it maybe right now that I cannot afford those kind of hotels at the point, but it is just a matter of time that I will take you there on a very good day. But today let us go to mama bose’s place to chill”. They will appreciate you for being real and aspiring to get to the top on day.

{5}. Always Stand Your Ground:

Let me tell you this now, never be manipulated into doing something you feel instinctively that is not right for you at the moment. Mean doing that, they will really respect you for that.

{6}. Talk Like An Intelligent Person:

An empty head does no one any good at all. See let me tell you, these rich chics have seen it all in all round, so do not try to impress them. Just make sense and get reasonable information on every subject that you can lay your hands on. “Guys no be say you dey go do exam oh no be wetin I talk”. But just give intelligent advice and do not barge in on conversations at all. 

{7}. Try To Make Her Laugh Always:

Don’t try to be a comedian. You will just fool yourself. Just have a good sense of humor. No dirty jokes please.

{8}. Find Out What She Loves:

Always get to know what she loves and be informed about it at the point. Love what she loves with all the passion in you and you will always reap the benefits of your long suffering. Then always be the person to volunteer to be part of their hobbies etc. Show interest genuinely.

{9}. Always Be Busy With Something:

Do not run to them or answer their calls, anytime they call you on any given time. Just try to form busy sometimes. These rich girls always appreciate you when you have a vision and you are working at it. Do not just paint dreams and work towards your dreams.

{10}. Try To Be Loyal:

Do not double date or let her know that she is the only "sugar in your small cup of tea" and Say it always to her. These chics can sometimes be insecure.

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