4 Unpleasant Attitudes That Are Capable Of Sweeping Your Relationship Down Over Night

The aspect of building a relationship today and bringing it down some days after has been the story of the day. So many go relationships has been brought down because of one or two reasons.

Some times back they do say, partners grow less passionate with each other in the relationship. It might fade out or you may be doing some things that maybe killing the passion in your relationship.

There are some bad habits are capable of bringing down your relationship and there is also a way you can keep them at bay to restore the passion in your relationship. They are;


The most successful relationships come out of being completely open and vulnerable with your partner. People need to feel comfortable, loved, cared for, safe and secure with their significant other and only then will they be entirely vulnerable.

If an individual who is worried about flirty texts in her partner’s phone isn’t going to feel emotionally connected to her partner.


Positive criticism is welcome but constant negative ones tend to increase the distance. We’re all humans and we come with our own faults. Pay less attention to your partner’s shortcomings rather than putting them in the spotlight.

Focus on their positive attributes and encourage them to achieve more using their good qualities.


It’s obvious that you will be tired at the end of the day but if you’re always too exhausted to be intimate with your partner, the passion is likely to be killed. Set aside weekends for romantic dates and spice up your sex life with a few techniques.

Preserving the passion in a relationship isn’t a tough job. Be kind and considerate towards

your partner and don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit when it seems to fade out.


It could be due to a bad day or one of you is not in a mood, the one who declines stays in power. But declining way too often can prove to be problematic in the future.

Not just sexual advances, your partner will withdraw emotional approaches as well because they would feel you’re shutting them out.

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